The Last Dessert :: Austin Party Cakes

Thursday, January 29, 2009

This cake was made for an old friend that was leaving the state. (I know what you are thinking....who is crazy enough to actually want to leave Texas? Especially Austin!)

The going away party was held at Thistle Cafe downtown and had a black and white theme. The challenge for this cake was to make it theme-specific cake without it being too feminine since it was for a guy.

The party was also around the same time as Forth of July so stars and stripes became the main focus of this cake. In the end it worked out and met all of the objectives and my friend loved the cake!

The flavor was a rich German chocolate with creamy coconut pecan filling.


Anonymous said...

I love the white on brown look. Super elegant yet deliciously touchable. Another brilliant cake. Thanks for sharing the pic!

Austin Wedding Caker said...

Thanks for the kind words!

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