New Year, New Beginnings, New Cakes

Friday, January 22, 2010

Our New Year has been one of travel, (as I right this I'm sitting in a condo in the beautiful mountain resort of Aspen, Colorado), making new connections, and preparing for a successful 2010 cake year.

We are also busy preparing for our upcoming Spring weddings, which are just around the corner.

"Congratulations on Your Wedding" and "Thank You" to the brides that have already secured our services!

While we enjoyed each and every cake project in 2009, we are excited about the new projects awaiting us this year!

We have added a line of Simply Elegant Wedding Cakes for brides that want an affordable cake, that is not too fancy, less than $500, and super delicious.

We also contracted the services of Cindy Black with Hello Kitchen to design us a super awesome commercial kitchen so we have a permanent home to bake from. Look for more developments on that in the future. Thanks to Eight O' Clock Coffee for helping us with that!

Finally, to stay current with industry trends and network with local professionals, we have committed to serving as a board member for the Nuptial Essentials Association of Wedding Professionals, as well as joined as a member of the National Association of Catering Professionals.

All of that and it is only January 22! I hope the start to your new year has been as exciting as ours!


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